Who We Are



CEO Argenius Biz.



Talking about this business if you read, listen  or ask yourself. How are we?

Well; we were and  are doing marketing sales online,  building a brand from 2004 when the ebay platform let us learn more and participate in different scenarios, making many happy customers and establishing a good relationship. By that time,we were doing it under a different name, or nickname, honest was no registered Company. Learning from failures and mistakes.

Beginning in 2021 on Pandemic times we decide to move forward and consolidate many ideas that we are rounding with; only one purpose. Showing to new customers and the loyas that what will do best; to consolidate and grow more. Now came with  a rebrand of our name to ArgeniusBiz  and also, to divide the idea and run others business under our new brand but different meanings. We like to sell food, yes ! How ? And if you check my personal media, listen to any of my podcasts or check the procomfiles you get.

 I like to cook that . Argenius Arepas or Arepas Argenius, came out soon before the end of this year. We also like to keep making sales online with a front store presence under www.argeniusbiz.com/ www.rgenius.com / www.argenius.us. ( with a target on women, kids, pets, and miscellaneous. Ebay helps us born so our presence there will continue. Another way to see us in doing full film this time we go with Amazon. Working with them for some time, buying stock for re-selling on ebay and being a prime member with a nice review from our point of view they earn the trust and we are making giants in both ways. And sport clothing with of course Brand flagging Argenius subliminal printing on mugs and others. And last but not least one little shop that does woman service care Pedicure and Manicure. Also a man Chair barber.

In the future open a cocktail bar with nice music and snacks but, we are working on getting a couple licenses and realtor options first.